Friday, November 28, 2014

Turkey recap and little known facts about me

How's everyone doing after the big feast?!  I proudly maintained decent portion control during dinner, most likely because I drank seltzer with my meal which filled me up, so I woke up without regret!  (But with a sore throat, boo).  Yesterday was a good Thanksgiving.  After a little snowstorm Wednesday night, the roads got cleaned up in time for the annual Whitin Five road race.  Temps around 30, clear roads and no wind made for great race conditions!  I really enjoyed myself and ran at a "I'm enjoying this run" mixed with "it hurts a little but I'm not dying" pace.

It was also my first outdoor run with my amazing new watch that I'm completely obsessed with: The Garmin 920xt.
Rather massive looking on my tiny wrist

I was so afraid I was going to have an operator error and hit a wrong button or accidentally delete my data, but it all worked out great!  More on my love affair with this watch in an upcoming post.

After the race I headed home to make a deadly sangria concoction.

Luckily some friends came over after dinner to help me drink it because my family was afraid of it.  It was amazing.

Things you never knew about me (and most likely don't care)
I'm stealing this from the Shut Up + Run blog...kind of a cute idea to share some random information about myself.

Four names that people call me other than my real name:

1. Jilly
2. Jilly bean
3. Ma
4. Shorty

Four jobs I've had:
1. Cashier at Cumberland Farms (when I was an Art major in college)
2. Horse stall mucker (in high school, when I was dreaming of becoming an Art major in college)
3. Horseback riding instructor (when I realized I wasn't going to make a living selling artwork)
4. Operations manager (when my heart turned to stone)

Four movies I've watched more than once:
1. Bourne Identity
2. Forrest Gump
3. Twilight
4. Good Will Hunting

Four books I'd recommend:
1. Gone Girl
2. The Hunger Games series
3. The DD Warren Series by Lisa Gardner
4. The One Good Thing

Four places I've lived:
1. Massachusetts (I don't get out much)

Four places I've visited:
1. Iceland
2. Ireland
3. Nova Scotia
4. Niagara Falls

Four things I prefer not to eat:
1. Onions
2. Moldy things (except some cheese)
3. There must be something else...
4. Nope, that's it.  Just onions and some moldy things.

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Mom's cranberry coffee cake
2. bread things
3. cheese things
4. pasta things

Four TV shows I watch:
1. CSI
3. Criminal Minds
4. Scorpion

Four things I'm looking forward to this year:
1. Spending more time with my Garmin 920xt.
2. Road trippin' to some races
3. Going to the Kenny Chesney concert!
4. More camping

Four things I'm always saying:
1. I'm starving
2. It's freezing in here
3. I'm literally dying I'm so hot
4. Hey Cat Face! (to the cat)

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!  My next posts will be about the Wine and Dine half marathon from a couple weeks ago, and more on my new boyfriend, the Garmin 920xt.